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Who is Wilgimmo?

Wilgimmo: more than 25 years of experience in real estate

Wilgimmo bv originated from Wilge nv. Up to 2005, Wilge nv, founded by Mr Willems and Mrs Geuens, was still active in the rental, management and sale of immovable goods. In addition to this, Wilge was also active in assessment activities and property development. About 10 years ago the management and rental activities were taken over by son-in-law Carlo Olaerts, who incorporated them in Wilgimmo bv. 

Wilgimmo bv is the continuation of a business with an explicit family-based character which stands for experience and knowledge in the field of everything concerning real estate. 

This knowledge is not only recognised by the market, but also by the BIV, the professional institute of real estate agents. Not just the founders, but also the current generation at Wilgimmo bv, are real estate agents with BIV certification. 

Our team

Management – Rent – Sales

Carlo Olaerts (carlo.olaerts@wilgimmo.be) - CEO
Ivan Peeters (ivan.peeters@wilgimmo.be) - Head of Accountancy
Tine Bertrand (tine.bertrand@wilgimmo.be) - Accountant Assistant
Martijn Ramaekers (martijn.ramaekers@wilgimmo.be) - Accountant Assistant
Johnny Giddelo (johnny.giddelo@wilgimmo.be) – Head of Sales and Management
Lies De hing (lies.de.hing@wilgimmo.be) - Sales Assistant
Isabel Lermusiaux (Isabel.Lermusiaux@wilgimmo.be) - Administration Assistant


Certified BIV real estate agents

Most people find their way to Wilgimmo bv based on proven service
Wilgimmo bvba builds a trust relationship with you and provides the services you are looking for.

Mr Carlo Olaerts of Wilgimmo bv is a certified BIV real estate agent with registration number 502031. His professional and company liability is covered by policy 730.390.160 at AXA.

A BIV certification is synonymous for the professional and correct handling of all your questions and projects with regard to real estate.