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De Flint


De Flint

Fully booked
  • Studio
  • Keuken studio kitchen
  • Studio
  • Comfort
  • Bathroom
  • Kitchen
  • Fitness
  • Study-area
  • Lounge
  • Lounge
  • Lounge

This beautiful new building has 205 units for students. It is close to the station, shops and schools. 

All the rooms are furnished. The showers, toilets and kitchens are common for each floor for the standard-rooms; the comfort rooms have private bathroom and the studio's also have a private kitchen.

This building has a cooperation agreement with the KUL. For more info and how to apply for this, you can visit the website of de KUL (https://admin.kuleuven.be/sab/ex/en/ca)

  • Rent standaard-room: 429€
  • Rent comfortroom: from 500€/month to 570€/month, general costs from 65€/month = total price from 565€/month to 635€/month
  • Rent studio: from 690€/month to 710€/month, general costs from 55€/month = total price from 745€/month to 765€/month
  • Advance utilities comfortroom: 95€/month, with settlement
  • Advance utilities studio: 140€/month, with settlement

Guarantee: 2 months of rent

Contract: 12 months

Residence with Kotlabel

Contact us for further information!


This residence is fully booked

Andreas Vesaliusstraat 45C

3000 Leuven

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